Non-material Gift Ideas - Seminars at TAOL
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Looking for an experience to gift someone? Seminars make for great gifts. The gift of knowledge is something that stays with you forever.
If you're looking for a non-material gift, a seminar is a great choice. It could be a fun solo activity for your giftee or something you do together as a night out. There a more "solo" seminars and other ones geared more towards couples. All seminars focus on sexual wellness. A few of them are explorations of the mental aspect of sexual wellness. The rest are lessons on the physical acts of sex. There are also live demos for some seminars if you're more of a visual learner.
Driving Her Wild with Pleasure - Solo | For Men
This could either be a passive aggressive way of telling him he needs help or a nice gift to build a stronger sex life with him. While this seminar is oriented towards men, couples are encouraged to learn together. Driving Her Wild with Pleasure focuses on how to please and excite female partners. It's about focusing on her pleasure and how to follow and build off of it. The seminar leader will break down myths about female sexuality and give tips on female anatomy, consent, and communication. This class is all about making her feel safe and happy. Happy wife (I'm only saying wife here because it rhymes better), happy life.
How to Have a Great Orgasm - Solo | For Women
A women only seminar packed with lots of great advice from the seminar leader. This seminar is a women's guide to self pleasure with a rundown of the basics and more advanced tips and techniques to feel even better. Nurture you senses! Although this is a seminar exclusively for women, lessons here can be applied with your partner too. This seminar welcomes first time sexual explorers and those with experience looking to learn something new.
Exploring Our Bisexuality for Women - Solo | For Women*
*this seminar is inclusive of cis-women, trans-women, gender-diverse, non-binary, Two-Spirit people whose gender identity includes ‘woman’ some or all of the time.
This seminar welcomes all sexualities, regardless if you identify as bisexual, pansexual, queer and everything else. If you just came out recently or have been out for a while or you've been in a heterosexual relationship and want to open it up and explore your sexuality, this one is for you.
This workshop will explore concepts around sexual identity, bi-stigma and bi-phobia, and barriers people face because of being bisexual. Community Resources and suggestions on where to meet women will be provided. There will also be discussion of poly/open relationships if the seminar group is interested. Join this seminar to talk to like minded people and support each other.
Yoni Massage - Solo/Couples | Live Demo
Yoni massage is a sensual message with the intent to help folks with vaginas to feel more in tune and comfortable in their bodies. It includes touching, deep breathing, and potentially (if consent is given) finger penetration. This seminar has a live demo to help learn and explore what feels good for you. It will also create closer connections between partners.
Intro to Impact Play - Couples | Live Demo
Couples recommended for this course. Of course, you can totally take this on your own.
Ready to move on from just spanking? Curious about floggers and whips? Regardless of your previous experience, join this seminar and cover the basics of impact play, what tools to use, safety for all parties, and building scenes. Add impact play to your repertoire with this live demo course. Everyone is welcome.
There are a couple more seminars on our seminar page to check out.
Stay warm and dry.
Peace and love!