Every woman who has dated men has at some point said something to the tune of: “If only he had just let me know up front that he wasn’t looking for anything serious.” Sometimes it’s the opposite: “I didn’t realize he was so into me; I thought we were just hooking up.” There’s a reason “what is your intention with my daughter” is the first question all movie dads ask. Knowing the answer prevents later heartbreak.
Male sex toys—the ones you’re supposed to enter, not be entered by—seem to still be strangely taboo, even in today’s relatively sexually open-minded society. While it’s almost taken for granted that a woman might own a vibrator or dildo, owning a stroker or a more elaborate, involved toy as a man feels a little less accepted. Never mind owning a full-size sex doll; many reviews I’ve read of these revolve around the logistics of hiding a toy that is five feet tall and weighs a hundred pounds—not the type of thing most men would feel comfortable keeping casually next to their bed.
With the rising costs of pretty much everything these days — it can be tough to make time (and money) for romance. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.
Here’s a list of the top date ideas in Metro Vancouver for $20 or less — so you can go on a date without making a dent in your wallet.