Should You Douche Before Anal Sex?

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Should You Douche Before Anal Sex?

Do you always need to clean out your rectum before anal sex? Read this article and find out!

Anal sex is fun - but there is a common worry about running into poop before or during butt play. So, do you need to use an anal douche beforehand?


When dealing with the rectum, encountering poop is totally normal. There's absolutely NO reason for you or your partner to feel embarrassed, ashamed, or surprised if a little bit shows up. It’s not your fault! If you happen to get some on you, just make sure to wash with soap and water.

However, sometimes people use anal douches (essentially water to flush out the rectum) for their own comfort and peace of mind before having anal sex. This helps wash away leftover poop that might be in your rectum.


So, is douching necessary?


In short: anal douching is NOT necessary before you have anal sex — it's a personal choice. If you want to do it, go for it. But it's not unsafe or bad to have anal sex without douching first. Not douching beforehand does not mean you will encounter poop, especially if you had a bowel movement a few hours before.


Want to use a douche? Here are some tips!


It is best to buy an anal douche, made specifically for inserting into the anus.


You can use a plain saline solution enema. There is no need to use a medicated laxative enema. Don’t use medicated vaginal douches in your anus either.


Make sure you use cool or lukewarm water - the skin on your rectum is sensitive!


Put some lube on the nozzle before you put it into your anus - it is best to always put lube on anything going into your butt.


Before you put the douche in, make sure your anus is relaxed. Put some lube on your finger and slowly rub your anus until you feel ready and the nozzle can comfortably go in. Never force something into your butt — STOP if you have pain or discomfort at any time.


Go gently! Squeeze a little water in your rectum, hold it for a few seconds, then relax and release the liquid into your toilet or shower. Repeat until the water comes out clear.


Don’t douche more than 2-3 times a week. Douching too often can rinse away the mucus in your rectum that helps protect the delicate skin inside your body.


Try not to douche right before having anal sex. Do it an hour or two before, to help mitigate potential irritation later on.


It’s also important NOT to douche if you have hemorrhoids, anal fissures, or any other kind of irritation in your butt, as it could hurt or make them worse.



** Find anal douches at The Art of Loving Sex Shop HERE


Happy douching, and have fun!