These Valentine's Day Sex Positions Will Elevate Your Orgasms
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Valentine's Day is undoubtedly the horniest time of year. And though having sex by no means has to be the expectation on Feb. 14, let's just say many couples enjoy having it on their itinerary.
If you are looking to upgrade your pleasure this Valentine's Day — you know, above and beyond your standard bedroom game — it starts by diversifying your sex positions. Though we love the favorites (missionary, doggy, cowgirl, and spooning), there are so many other variations that can better elicit the mood you're trying to set, whether it be a romantic one, a passionate one, or an intense one.
To help you come up with some new ideas, we've curated a list of the best Valentine's Day sex positions to try below. Enjoy, because your orgasms will be more elevated than ever before.
The High Rise
This is like your normal missionary position on steroids, says psychologist and sexual health educator Antonia Hall." Lie on your back with your legs raised in a V-shape. (If you need more support, place a pillow under your hips for better positioning.) Then, rest your ankles on your partner's shoulders as they enter you for deep, deep penetration.
The Lotus
In this position, tell your partner to sit upright with their legs positioned crisscross-applesauce style. Then, while facing your partner, sit on their lap and wrap your legs around their back. "Couples can look into each other's eyes, kiss deeply, synchronize their breathing, and connect deeply," Hall says.
The Crisscross
Lie on your back while your partner kneels in front of you, as if they would enter you in missionary. Then, raise your legs up and place your right ankle on your partner's left shoulder and your left ankle on your partner's right shoulder. "This position offers great stimulation for both partners. It also leaves hands free for touching, supporting, and adding stimulation or toys," Hall says. (We love missionary variations.)
The Double Decker
"The Double Decker is ideal for couples looking to elevate their spooning game," says sex therapist Aliyah Moore, PhD. And though it's considered a spooning variation, it has a little bit of reverse cowgirl in there, too. With your partner flat on their back, lie on top of your partner so you are both looking at the ceiling. Spread your arms outward to keep yourself steady, then move your hips on your partner's penis, strap-on, or fingers.
Prone Bone
For those looking for some extra G-spot stimulation, this one's for you. Moore says to begin by assuming the traditional doggy-style position on a bed or sofa, but instead of being on all fours, lie down flat on your stomach. Once you're flat, have your partner kneel behind and penetrate you by leaning forward. Then, raise your hips to meet their thrusts.
The Pretzel
To get into this position, lie on your side with your knees bent and legs slightly spread. Then, tell your partner to straddle your bottom leg and lift your top leg as they enter you from this angle. Moore says this one is "optimal for deep penetration without sacrificing eye contact."
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